Dokumen Retraksi
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Praktik menampilkan daftar retraksi adalah praktik yang sudah diinisiasi dan dipromosikan oleh beberapa lembaga misalnya Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE) dan The Center For Scientific Integrity (Retraction Watch/RW).
Penyajian daftar retraksi merupakan bentuk koreksi dari beberapa kesalahan yang datang dari penulis, editor maupun reviewer jurnal.
Retraksi merupakan bentuk pertanggungjawaban editor yang baik ketika ada kesalahan di jurnal bukan dengan menghapus atau mengganti dengan tulisan lain. Semua praktik baik ini dilakukan dalam rangka perbaikan dan pembelajaran bagi komunitas ilmiah untuk lebih berhati-hati.
Penampilan daftar ini sama sekali tidak dirancang dan tidak boleh digunakan sebagai bahan atau wahana untuk menghakimi penulis, jurnal maupun institusi.
Siapa, Di mana, dan Kapan
Retraksi yang dilaporkan pada laman ini adalah retraksi yang melibatkan penulis dari Indonesia atau terbitan yang diterbitkan oleh lembaga/penerbit Indonesia.
Dengan kata lain pada laman ini juga akan ditampilkan retraksi terhadap Karya Ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh Warga Negara Indonesia yang menerbitkan Karya di jurnal internasional ataupun warga negara lain yang menerbitkan artikel di jurnal terbitan nasional.
Kumpulan retraksi meliputi segala macam terbitan dan tidak memiliki batasan dari segi waktu
ANJANI tidak pernah dan tidak bisa melakukan retraksi, namun hanya menjalankan peran sebagai penyaji daftar retraksi yang telah dilakukan oleh para penerbit masing-masing.
Sumber :
Total : 248 Dokumen Halaman 11 dari 25
Retracted: Comparison of AHP-TOPSIS Hybrid Methods, WP and SAW for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making to Select the Best Electrical ExpertThis study examined the three most widely used Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) methods in alternative decision making of Electrical Expert (EE) selection: hybrid AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Simi
Retracted: Telepsychiatry of Health Workers for Patient ODGJ Psychogeriatri
The purpose of this study is to find out how the telepsychiatry method performed by health workers Mental Hospital Dr Wardjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Malang East Java Province for patients ODGJ Psikogeriatri in the village Blandit Wonorejo Singosari Malan
Retracted: Increasing Students' Self-Efficacy Through Realistic Mathematics Education in Inclusion Classroom
The purpose of this study was to influence changes in student self-efficacy mathematics in inclusion classroom through realistic mathematics education. Student activity in inclusion class in learning has been designed in hypothetical learning trajectory,
Retracted: Implementation Method CUSUM to Determine the Accident Prone Areas in Web Based
At the Unit Laka Lantas Polres Lhokseumawe determining accident-prone areas on roads in Lhokseumawe still using manual systems. Determination of accident-prone areas are less effective because the police Unit Laka Lantas Polres Lhokseumawe just using the
Retracted: Efforts to Overcome Cyber Crime Actions in Indonesia
The presence of the internet can penetrate the boundaries between countries and accelerate the spread and exchange of information throughout the world. Although there are many positive impacts of internet use, there are also negative impacts that disturb
Retracted: Online Media as a Movie Reference
The transformation of traditional media into web-based media has brought the changes to various media publishing platforms. The internet has an impact on channels and distribution of media. This study aims to understand the understanding of movie accordin
Retracted: Combination Analytical Hierarchy Process and Multy Factor Evaluation Process for Determining Promotion of Position
Promotion of positions is important done as the career ladder of employees to foster motivation in work and foster a healthy competition for all employees. Promotion takes place when an employee is transferred to a higher career ladder in terms of respons
Retracted: Variation Ignition Timing Against Environmentally Friendly Gas Exhaust Emissions on 7K Gasoline Engine and Its Dissemination Using Website
The purpose of this research is to know the exhaust emissions generated due to changes in ignition and type of fuel. And expected to get various advantages, among others, in terms of environmentally friendly and health terms. In this research is to test d
Retracted: The Development of the Tedars Hypnosis-Based Poetry Appreciation Learning Model
This research aimed to produce a valid, practical, and effective Tedars hypnosis-based learning model that could be implemented to the students of Indonesian Language Education and Literature Department especially in Poetry subject. This learning model wa
Retracted: The Role of Information Technology in Developing Competitive Strategies for Retail Businesses
The purpose of this study is to find a model of retail store competitiveness strategy approach using information technology so that retail stores can find the right and fast competitiveness strategy to increase sales volume and number of customers. The me
Sumber :
Scopus — Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) — Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) — Indonesia Onesearch
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